Google Slides

  • Google Slides is a program where you can create slideshow presentations. These presentations can include images, videos, and audio as well as transitions. You can change the presentation theme to fit your topic and format your text as well.

  • Teachers may assign collaborative slideshows to work together with classmates or they could share slideshows with information on different subjects with links to click on and videos to watch.

  • Teachers can also turn Google Slides presentations into interactive Pear Deck presentations for a whole class to work through together during a Zoom class or in-person or for students to work through on their own as an assignment. To learn more about Pear Deck assignments scroll down to the bottom of this page.

Slides cheat sheet - G Suite Learning Center.pdf

Click on the link or open the document in a new window to access a cheat sheet with tips and tricks for using Google Slides.

Click on the link above to access the Google Slides help center with articles on specific topics to support Google Slides.

This video shows some of the basic features of Google Slides and walks through how to use the Explore feature to make creating Slides presentations easy.

Pear Deck with Google Slides

  • Pear Deck is an interactive version of a Google Slides presentation that allows students to answer questions and react to the slides.

  • Pear Deck presentations can either be done as a whole class in-person or via Zoom (synchronous) or they can be done independently as an assignment (asynchronous).

  • Students will usually access a Pear Deck presentation with a link from their teacher either during a class meeting or posted as an assignment in Google Classroom or Seesaw. Pear Deck is connected through our Google accounts so when you click on the link it will either log you in automatically or you will be able to choose your district account and then access the presentation.

This video shows how to join a Pear Deck lesson as a student.

This video shows how to answer the different types of prompts in a Pear Deck lesson.

This video shows how to complete a Pear Deck lesson that has been assigned.

This video shows how to access any teacher feedback.